Quota's “PICNIC DANSANT”  went with great energy ! 

All who wanted to contribute and make a donation for a great cause bought a ticket to the Quota's Annual Fundraising Event that was held at the Renaissance Conference Center where every one ate and danced on the tunes of Tsunami and Rincon Boys. It was a wonderful different Sunday. There were attractive prizes and an auction where many local wellknown artists and businesses donated their art, and articles to help raise funds for Quota that will go back into the community where it is needed.  

On the pictures some picture shots of this high energy activity at the Renaissance Seaport Conference Center in Aruba. 

Quota su “PICNIC DANSANT” tabatin hopi bon ambiente di diadomingo!

Tur cu kier a haci un donacion pa un bon causa a cumpra un carchi di Quota International of Aruba su fundraising y a pasa un diadomingo diferente y gezellig!E ritmonan di Tsunami y Rincon Boys a pone tur hende riba pista pa baila.E cuminda tabata un biaha mas sublime y e premionan tabata hopi atractivo. Varios artistanan y pintornan Arubano a haci un donacion den forma di un cuadro of obra di arte y e comerciantenan a duna nan producto y articulonan pa un bunita subasta. 

Riba e potretnan por mira e momentonan di bon ambiente cu a reina den Renaissance Seaport Conference Center na unda cu tur hende a aporta den e recaudacion di Quota International of Aruba.

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